重要通知: 请注意,宝盈彩app下载版权表格的PDF格式的可打印副本, HTML, 和DOC格式不再可用. 志愿者s are strongly encouraged to arrange for 1) the removal of any links to the PDF and DOC versions of the Form, and 2) the replacement of such links with new links to information on the electronic 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form, 如下所示.
eCF的设置过程非常快速和简单. As conference organizers begin preparing for their 会议’ paper submission process, 他们被告知宝盈彩app下载要求所有打算在宝盈彩app下载上发表文章的作者 伊克斯托® 数字图书馆必须提供版权转让. 宝盈彩app下载会议 & 事件(MCE) will reach out to conference organizers with the initial steps in the copyright registration process. 一旦注册, a website will be able to pass article metadata via an encrypted string attached to the URL, after which time the eCF 太l can be invoked directly by authors from the access-controlled site. 一个简短的过程将指导作者找到合适的形式, 通过输入他们的名字并点击“提交”按钮来签名.
eCF为期刊提供了额外的出版协议, 例如知识共享署名(CC BY)许可. Authors submitting to hybrid journals are given a clear explanation of their publishing options and have an opportunity to select their preferred publishing model (Traditional or 开放获取). The eCF has extensive information sidebars throughout the process to help advise authors about each step, 以及一个整体精简的流程.
Any interested 志愿者 not currently using the eCF are invited to go to contact the IPR Office 开始设置您的网站的过程,以便您, 太, 可以利用这个重要的工具吗.
The eCF is a highly effective 太l that transfers ownership rights of the intellectual property to 宝盈彩app下载 and saves significant amounts of time and effort on the part of 宝盈彩app下载 authors, 志愿者, 和工作人员. eCF的设置很简单,并且对所有宝盈彩app下载出版物都是免费的.
Ensure that you have received a signed 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form from all authors with accepted papers. 如果作者没有向您提供宝盈彩app下载版权表, they run the risk of not being published in the conference proceedings or in 宝盈彩app下载 伊克斯托.
如果你是一个向宝盈彩app下载会议提交手稿的作者, you must also submit an 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form to the designated organizer/publication chair of your conference. 联系 your conference organizer for more information regarding the use of the electronic 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form (eCF).
Please note: If you do not complete a publication agreement with 宝盈彩app下载 by means of signing and submitting an 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form, 你的论文不能被宝盈彩app下载发表.
宝盈彩app下载 policy requires that prior to publication all authors or their employers must transfer to the 宝盈彩app下载 in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers. 版权转让是出版的必要条件, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a previously published, 有版权的出版物.
将版权转让给宝盈彩app下载, authors and/or their companies have the right to post their 宝盈彩app下载-copyrighted material on their own servers without permission, provided that the server displays a prominent notice alerting readers to their obligations with respect to copyrighted material and that the posted 工作 includes an 宝盈彩app下载 copyright notice.
Authors are particularly encouraged to note the "Author Responsibilities" section of the 宝盈彩app下载 Copyright Form, 其中宝盈彩app下载 PSPB操作手册的部分, 8节.1.1.B (concerning statements in 工作 published by 宝盈彩app下载 are the expression of the authors) appear.